It should be noted that Christiana Elizabeth Constable is a fictitious person, although the historical information of the period is based from historical information attained through varying sources.
The persona challenge is for a person to present a historical accurate person that lived in a said period of time of history. The person must keep in persona from Saturday through to Sunday, and must be able to obtain a successful rate based on their documentation to achieve the Golden Swan status. Although Christiana did not achieve this goal, the documentation below contains vast amounts of information that can be used for future candidates that wish to do a Tudor Elizabethan female persona.
THERE is a lot of work in developing a persona for this type of challenge, but for the ones that do choose to travel this road, it is well worth the experience as it helps to understand history better and to better improve historical re enactment. So to the ones that wish to enter the Golden Swan, I wish you the best and as the say on the stage "break a leg".
Golden Swan persona challenge is held in the South Okanagan once a year by a (SCA) shire known as Appledore. The event is from Friday to Monday of the Canadian Thankgiving long weekend.
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